Bodybuilding Updates


Eradicate | Arimistane AI | Block Estrogen Banner

ERADICATE™ can be used with all of our products to reduce any possible water retention, eliminate the chance of the development of male breast tissue, and maintain a healthy sex drive. ERADICATE™ should also be taken after using our products as PCT (post cycle therapy) to bring hormone function back to normal once your cycle is completed.

Blackstone Labs Eradicate Details




Eradicate™ contains a compound called androsta-3,5-deine-7, 17 dione, also known as Arimistane. Arimistane is a potent aromatase inhibitor (AI) that decreases circulating levels of estrogen in the body. Simply put, Eradicate™ will inhibit or reduce the amount of androgens in the body that can convert into estrogen. Eradicate™ is a suicide aromatase inhibitor, meaning that it binds to the aromatase enzyme, and can not be reversed. Unlike a typical estrogen blocker, which simply removes unwanted estrogen, Arimistane (Also known as Arimistane Supplements)prevents the conversion process from taking place entirely, allowing you to keep all that testosterone in your system.

Suggested Use:

Arimistane This product should only be used by healthy adults at least 21 years old. Do not exceed the recommended dose or duration. Do not use if you are at risk of, or being treated for diabetes, liver problems or high blood pressure. Do not drink alcohol while using this product, and increase daily water intake. This product can negatively affect male fertility. Always Consult your health care professional before using any dietary supplements.
As a dietary supplement, take one (1) capsule three (3) times daily in divided doses per day, with food.
Use in cycles of 4 to 6 weeks taking at least 2 to 4 weeks off in between cycles.

Do not exceed the recommended dose or duration. This product should only be used by healthy adults at least 21 years old. Do no use if pregnant or nursing, or if you are at risk of, or being treated for diabetes, liver problems or high blood pressure. Consult your health care professional before using any dietary supplements.


Eradicate is an amazing aromatase inhibitor (AI). It is essential when using products like Brutal 4ce, or Abnormal, and can even be useful while on a powerful test booster, such as Apex Male or PCT V.
Eradicate | STACKS

Eradicate (Arimistane) has been included in a few of our stacks. Ordering a stack is a great way to get all of the products you will need to accomplish a goal all in the same order, while saving money on both the individual products themselves, but also shipping.

Take a look at the Elite Fire, Ice and Power, Tighten the F* Up, and Starter Lean stacks to gauge your fitness needs and how best to meet them.

Eradicate | Block Estrogen | Dosage Instructions

PJ Brief’s About Eradicate 

PJ Introduction

what’s up everybody if you brought your president of blacks on labs this is the
third take I keep screwing up by myself
the first video that I ever did was by myself with this product about three
years ago and I remember actually where I was standing I was messing around and
stuff about Arimistane.
Brings back great memories of the beginning of time now
why am I talking about this product it’s been around for three years four years
well a lot of people do not understand the proper way to use this eradicate is
a aromatase inhibitor so what that means is a lot of the guys that we deal with
are boosting their testosterone they’re taking testosterone boosters are taking
prohormone some of them were taking steroids.
regardless they have an excess of testosterone and they’re getting a
conversion to estrogen that conversion is called aromatization.

Anit Roman Product

So this is an anti-roman this product so this product makes it so that cannot happen which is awesome because when that does happen you get oily skin you get very moody and
sensitive like like a woman sorry ladies
you can have a libido problems and you can get gynecomastia
you’ll start messenger going on here the movies growing and some of these guys
get a little milk in there i’ve seen we actually had a guy around here that I’m
not going to put his name out there it’s freaky stuff you don’t want that
so taking this product prevents that now.

Who can use this product

can a woman use this product and everyday life
could you use it yes do you need to not necessarily
however there are a lot of women that I deal with that compete
maybe they compete in the MPC maybe they can be in the ifbb
these women are trying to get on stage in the leanest possible condition and
what prevents that from happening is estrogen estrogen likes to bring water
and fat right to the receptors right. So if you’re a woman you’re going to have a certain sectors in your booty
you’re going to have them in your boob grabbing your hips and that’s we’re
going to store your fat well if you’re going all out for your for your
competition and you want to really enhance that condition you can take
Eradicate (Arimistaneand what will happen is the estrogen won’t be able to bind with the
receptors as much so you will lose water and fat in those areas and that’s really
cool because you’re still going to be producing estrogen.
You just won’t get that binding effect with the water and the fat
so wherever the receptors may be in your body
maybe your boobs maybe your hips maybe your booty but I an area which is like a
mythical area but it is it is talked about a lot
you’re going to get drier and tighter and lose fat and water in those areas by
taking this product. It’s something that you can use anywhere from four to eight weeks out from the show and it will really make a big difference with your condition
I wanted to touch on that with this video so check it out guys and girls you
can both use this product the right way
eradicate from black slams I’m here on a piece of pie
i am holding a bottle of eradicate I’m all by myself
I think my phone might be ringing what it does is to me
I said the second time again i called it called it the wrong thing
um I keep calling it something that is a illegal.


Bodybuilding supplements are available in different types, are equally necessary to maintain a perfect body shape.
Now comes the question where or what type of Bodybuilding Supplements to buy which can help you stay fit. This is where comes Blackstonelabs with wide range of Bodybuilding Supplements to help you buy quality products. Blackstonelabs brings you wide & extensive range of Exiting Bodybuilding Supplements like fat burners, glutamine, Protein Supplements etc.
Whenever you decide to buy bodybuilding supplements, make sure to stop by at Blackstonelabs @


Bodybuilding Updates

BeatPJ Contest Update

Text of the Audio form Video:

0:11president of Blackstone labs Best Bodybuilding Supplements Store and we just
0:13got done shooting some training footage
0:15with lovely Miss Lauren Collins today
0:17and we were brainstorming all these
0:19ideas for BP jelly how to make it better
0:21this year than the original one and
0:24Lauren actually came up with a really
0:26cool idea
0:27so once a week we’re going to do a
0:29facebook live video I’m going to do on
0:31and peaches going to do one so anyone
0:33who wants to ask me questions you can go
0:34in mind and want to ask him questions
0:36you can go on his at any time that you
0:39put some in regards to your
0:40transformation on social media you can
0:41hash tag team learn and then hashtag TJ
0:44yeah we’re gonna make it a separate
0:46little contest between each other and
0:48here’s the deal i know that like my
0:50person that is listening to me is going
0:52to win so I’m not really concerned about
0:54it but if the team Lauren person wins
0:57she’s gonna get a bonus
0:59she’s gonna get a cash bonus for me I’ll
1:01bonus her out thousand bucks now here’s
1:03the deal
1:04this is completely separate this is just
1:06a personal thing between she and I just
1:09to make it fun
1:10alright so you don’t have to listen to
1:11either one of us you can go higher or
1:13whatever coach you want or you can login
1:15we’re logged in and it’ll be on The
1:17Blackstone labs Facebook not our
1:19personal Facebook’s on the blacks on
1:20facebook and of course the videos will
1:22stay there so you can come back to the
1:25questions if it’s not when it works for
1:27you and your schedule i’ll probably do
1:29mine in the morning when i do my cardio
1:30kinda like how you used to do my own Q&A
1:34back in the day we will in the final
1:37video stay when Lauren is going to hit
1:38hers but like I said guys this is gonna
1:40be a five-thousand-dollar cash prize
1:42this time and we’re also working out
1:44some other really really cool cool
1:46prizes lots of stuff that you will see
1:48in the final video which will be in one
1:51week from the time that you see this
1:52video and that’s also going to be when i
1:54show how fat I am
1:55and we’ll see if anybody can beat me
1:57will also reveal the guest judges so
1:59thank you for Lauren for coming up with
2:02this cool idea to make it kind of like
2:04teams now it’s gonna be a lot of fun you
2:07we encourage you guys that that code
2:10that BPG code is a discount code so
2:12use it and get your product so you guys
2:14can join the contest it’s going to start
2:15real soon so as always be so bye-bye

#BeatPJ Contest Update

Let’s understand what message is being delivered through this video.

We have PJ Braun (President Of Blackstone Labs Bodybuilding Supplements Store) is with Blackston Labs Female Athlete Lauren have been discussing on how to make the BeatPJ contest better.

Also Brainstorming to make this contest better

To make it more fun for everyone. PJ & Lauren have decided to come live Once a week Facebook Live from Blackstone Labs Facebook Page. Where questions can be asked through comments. The seperate contest between PJ & Lauren.

The separate contest between PJ & Lauren.

There is a Seperate contest between PJ & Lauren in person to make it fun.

PJ says that people can hire a personal coach or join live with us on Blackstone FB Live to get some good tips on more effective ways of burning fat.


#TEAM Lauren

Do leave your comments & thoughts through Hashtags & Live FB for help

This contest is going to be for $5ooo which can be awarded to the winner. Which can be won by joining the contest so visit today Bodybuilding Supplements. Prize to be won & other cool other prizes




Be sure to follow Blackstone Labs Bodybuilding Supplements:


Facebook: Blackstone Labs

Instagram: @blackstonelabsofficial

Bodybuilding supplements are available in different types, are equally necessary to maintain a perfect body shape.
Now comes the question where or what type of Bodybuilding Supplements to buy which can help you stay fit. This is where comes Blackstonelabs with wide range of Bodybuilding Supplements to help you buy quality products. Blackstonelabs brings you wide & extensive range of Exiting Bodybuilding Supplements like fat burners, glutamine, Protein Supplements etc.
Whenever you decide to buy bodybuilding supplements, make sure to stop by at Blackstonelabs @


Bodybuilding Updates

In this video we can see PJ Braun delivering his thanksgiving message & say the following:

PJ wanted to deliver this message on Thanksgiving also one of his staff asked to sign his autograph pics as a lot of PJ fans are requesting autographed pics of PJ Braun, though it has been some time since he completed now.

PJ visualize himself as a businessman now & he has a lot of people to thank.

Especially it is a Big deal as Blackston Labs has ranked 27 in Inc500. These are the results for the United States.

Blackstone Labs is known for supplying the Best Body  Bodybuilding Supplements in the world.
As you, all can see Orange Theory is ranking 60.

A little bit of history about PJ Braun as He belonged to lower middle-class family.
Parents got divorced & his Mother supported 4 kids at the age of 25 with a little of $300 as child support.

With shortage of lunch money, PJ Mom encouraged to ask for everybody’s quarter as Lunch used to cost $1.75 & other kids used to bring in $2 & he literally used to wait at the end of the line for the kids to purchase the Lunch for $1.75 & then he used to ask them for the remaining quarter. End of every day PJ used to end up with $6 to $7 & this is how he knew the value of eating back then so he used to get two Lunches from himself & as it was imp to eat for body building.

Let’s Fast Forward to College

One day in class PJ thought he need to do something to make money & he went home to get business cards printed which cost $4.99 (Braun Fitness)

He started going to Gym & approached women as Men happens to feel bothered or standoffish if someone told them what to do the exercise & which is why PJ approached women & asked them if he could show them more effective way of doing the exercise then he used to hand out his business card.

When he was occupied by 8 to 9 people as this used to keep him occupied all day & make good money. PJ used to think how to make it better as after his conversation with his ex GF. He got his light bulb lighted & called his Mom & said he is going to start a new business & he would be called the best women’s trainer in the world. Train women all around the country so PJ went to all the nationals & used to interact with  the third call out girls who had lot of potential for winning the competition

He approached third out girls & handed the business cards & explained he wanted to train them for free & if they like his training then they could refer him to their friends. PJ started with 10 girls & all these 10 girls ended up winning their shows.

At that point PJ Started out $300 per prep then $500 then jumped to $750 then $900 then $1000 & in the end he used to charge 1700 per prep. When PJ retired from coaching he had active 257 clients.

He had to focus on Blackstone labs has grown up around bodybuilders

PJ Braun delivers his thanks to his Mom & the women he trained & his wife for being there to support him & believe in him


Be sure to follow Blackstone Labs Bodybuilding Supplements:


Facebook: Blackstone Labs

Instagram: @blackstonelabsofficial

Bodybuilding supplements are available in different types, are equally necessary to maintain a perfect body shape.
Now comes the question where or what type of Bodybuilding Supplements to buy which can help you stay fit. This is where comes Blackstonelabs with wide range of Bodybuilding Supplements to help you buy quality products. Blackstonelabs brings you wide & extensive range of Exiting Bodybuilding Supplements like fat burners, glutamine, Protein Supplements etc.
Whenever you decide to buy bodybuilding supplements, make sure to stop by at Blackstonelabs @

Bodybuilding Updates

Supplement categories

Today let’s discuss about types of Bodybuilding Supplements & know abt them in brief:


Further information: Protein quality

Protein milkshakes, made from protein powder (center) and milk (left), are a common bodybuilding supplement.

Bodybuilders may Bodybuilding Supplements their diets with protein for reasons of convenience, lower cost (relative to meat and fish products) and to avoid the concurrent consumption of carbohydrates and fats. In addition, some argue that bodybuilders, by virtue of their unique training and goals, require higher-than-average quantities of protein to support maximal muscle growth;[14] however there is no compelling evidence and no scientific consensus for bodybuilders to consume more protein than the recommended dietary allowance.[13][15][16][17][18][19][20] Protein supplements are sold in ready-to-drink shakes, bars, meal replacement products (see below), bites, oats, gels and powders. Protein powders are the most popular and may have flavoring added for palatability. The powder is usually mixed with water, milk or juice and is generally consumed immediately before and after exercising, or in place of a meal. The sources of protein are as follows, and differ in protein quality depending on their amino acid profile and digestibility:

Whey protein contains high levels of all the essential amino acids and branched-chain amino acids. It also has the highest content of the amino acid cysteine, which aids in the biosynthesis of glutathione. For bodybuilders whey protein provides amino acids used to aid in muscle recovery.[21] Whey protein is derived from the process of making cheese from milk. There are three types of whey protein: whey concentrate, whey isolate, and whey hydrolysate. Whey concentrate is 29–89% protein by weight whereas whey isolate is 90%+ protein by weight. Whey hydrolysate is enzymatically predigested and therefore has the highest rate of digestion of all protein types. Whey protein is usually taken immediately before and after a workout [21]

Casein protein (or milk protein) has glutamine, and casomorphin. Casein is usually taken before going to bed.[21]

Soy protein from soybeans contain isoflavones, a type of phytoestrogen.

Egg-white protein is a lactose- and dairy-free protein.

Hemp protein from hemp seed, contains highly-digestible protein, and hemp oil is high in essential fatty acids.

Rice protein, when made from the whole grain, is a protein source that is highly digestible and allergen free. Since rice protein is low in the amino acid lysine, it is often combined with pea protein powder to achieve a superior amino acid profile.

Pea protein is a hypoallergenic protein with a lighter texture than most other protein powders. Pea protein has an amino acid profile similar to that of soy, but pea protein does not elicit concerns about unknown effects of phytoestrogens[citation needed]. Pea protein is also less allergenic than soy. Pea protein has high fiber content and has no allergic ingredients and therefore is easy for digestion as compared to whey protein. Pea protein is a slow digesting protein and is able to keep you full longer.

Shaker Bottle commonly used to mix Bodybuilding Supplements. Often has mesh or a metal whisk inside to breakdown lumps in the mixture.

Some nutritionists claim that osteoporosis may occur from excessive protein intake because protein can put pressure on the kidneys and lead to bone loss due to calcium leaching.[1] However, some have suggested that higher calcium excretion may be due to a corresponding increase in protein-induced calcium absorption in the intestines.[22][23][24]

In addition to complete proteins, some supplements will contain protein fragments such as branched-chain amino acids or individual amino acids (such as glutamine). Amino acids are considered to be inferior to whole protein and have been used by some companies to artificially inflate and falsify protein values in their product (protein spiking). Many protein supplements explicitly indicate on the label that no protein spiking has occurred.

Branched-chain amino acids

Amino acids are the building blocks of protein; the body breaks consumed protein into amino acids in the stomach and intestines. Amino acids are classified as essential, conditionally essential and non-essential. There are three branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs): leucine, isoleucine, and valine. All three branched-chain amino acids are essential amino acids. Each has numerous benefits on various biological processes in the body. Unlike other amino acids, BCAAs are metabolised in the muscle and have an anabolic/anti-catabolic effect on it.[25] BCAAs account for 33% of muscle protein.


Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid found in human muscle and is commonly found in Bodybuilding Supplements or as a micronized, instantly soluble powder because supplement manufacturers claim the body’s natural glutamine stores are depleted during anaerobic exercise. Some studies[26][27] have shown there to be no significant effect of glutamine on bench press strength, knee-extension torque or lean muscle mass when compared to controls taking a placebo, though another study found that glutamine is beneficial in raising T-helper/suppressor cell ratio in long-distance runners.[28]

Essential fatty acids

The essential fatty acids (alpha-linolenic acid and linoleic acid) may be especially important to supplement while bodybuilding;[dubious – discuss][medical citation needed] these cannot readily be made in the body, but are required for various functions within the body to take place.[citation needed]

Fatty fish, such as fresh salmon and trout are rich in essential fatty acids and fish oils can also be taken in supplement form.

Flaxseed oil, often sold as a supplement on its own, is an ideal source of alpha-Linolenic acid, which can also be found in walnuts and pumpkin seeds.[29]


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Main article: Prohormone

Prohormones are precursors to hormones and are most typically sold to bodybuilders as a precursor to the natural hormone testosterone. This conversion requires naturally occurring enzymes in the body. Side effects are not uncommon, as prohormones can also convert further into DHT and estrogen. To deal with this, many supplements also have aromatase inhibitors and DHT blockers such as chrysin and 4-androstene-3,6,17-trione. To date most prohormone products have not been thoroughly studied, and the health effects of prolonged use are unknown. Although initially available over the counter, their purchase was made illegal without a prescription in the US in 2004, and they hold similar status in many other countries. They remain legal, however, in the United Kingdom and the wider European Union. Their use is prohibited by most sporting bodies.


Main article: Creatine supplements

Creatine is an organic acid naturally occurring in the body that supplies energy to muscle cells for short bursts of energy (as required in lifting weights) via creatine phosphate replenishment of ATP. A number of scientific studies have shown that creatine can improve strength,[30] energy,[31] muscle mass, and recovery times. In addition, recent studies have also shown that creatine improves brain function.[32] and reduces mental fatigue.[33] Unlike steroids or other performance-enhancing drugs, creatine can be found naturally in many common foods such as herring, tuna, salmon, and beef.

Creatine increases what is known as cell volumization by drawing water into muscle cells, making them larger.[citation needed] This intracellular retention should not be confused with the common myth that creatine causes bloating (or intercellular water retention).

Creatine is sold in a variety of forms, including creatine monohydrate and creatine ethyl ester, amongst others. Though all types of creatine are sold for the same purposes, there are subtle differences between them, such as price and necessary dosage.

In The New Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding, 2nd ed., author Arnold Schwarzenegger states:

Creatine monohydrate is regarded as a necessity by most bodybuilders. Creatine monohydrate is the most cost-effective dietary Bodybuilding Supplements in terms of muscle size and strength gains. … There is no preferred creatine supplement, but it is believed that creatine works best when it is consumed with simple carbohydrates. This can be accomplished by mixing powdered creatine with grape juice, lemonade, or many high glycemic index drinks.[34]

Some studies have suggested that consumption of creatine with protein and carbohydrates can have a greater effect than creatine combined with either protein or carbohydrates alone.[35]

β-Hydroxy β-methylbutyrate

When combined with an appropriate exercise program, dietary supplementation with β-hydroxy β-methylbutyrate (HMB) has been shown to dose-dependently augment gains in muscle hypertrophy (i.e., the size of a muscle),[36][37] muscle strength,[36][38][39] and lean body mass,[36][38][39] reduce exercise-induced skeletal muscle damage,[note 1][36][37][39] and expedite recovery from high-intensity exercise.[36][40] HMB is believed to produce these effects by increasing muscle protein synthesis and decreasing muscle protein breakdown by various mechanisms, including activation of the mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR) and inhibition of the proteasome in skeletal muscles.[38][41]


The inhibition of exercise-induced skeletal muscle damage by HMB is affected by the time that it is used relative to exercise.[36][40] The greatest reduction in skeletal muscle damage from a single bout of exercise appears to occur when calcium HMB is ingested 1–2 hours prior to exercise.[40]

Meal replacement products

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Meal replacement products (MRPs) are either pre-packaged powdered drink mixes or edible bars designed to replace prepared meals. MRPs are generally high in protein, low in fat, have a low to moderate amount of carbohydrates, and contain a wide array of vitamins and minerals.

The majority of MRPs use whey protein, casein (often listed as calcium caseinate or micellar casein), soy protein, and/or egg albumin as protein sources. Carbohydrates are typically derived from maltodextrin, oat fiber, brown rice, and/or wheat flour. Some MRPs also contain flax oil powder as a source of essential fatty acids.

MRPs can also contain other ingredients, such as creatine monohydrate, glutamine peptides, L-glutamine, calcium alpha-ketoglutarate, additional amino acids, lactoferrin, conjugated linoleic acid, and medium-chain triglycerides.

A sub-class of MRPs are called ‘weight gainers’ and have a high ratio of carbohydrates:protein. Where a MRP would have a 0.25-2:1 ratio of Carbohydrates:Protein a weight gainer would have in the order of between 3-5:1 ratios.[citation needed]

Thermogenic products

Main article: Thermogenics

A thermogenic is a broad term for any Bodybuilding Supplements that the manufacturer claims will cause thermogenesis, resulting in increased body temperature, increased metabolic rate, and consequently an increased rate in the burning of body fat and weight loss. Until 2004 almost every product found in this Bodybuilding Supplements category comprised the “ECA stack”: ephedrine, caffeine and aspirin. However, on February 6, 2004 the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) banned the sale of ephedra and its alkaloid, ephedrine, for use in weight loss formulas. Several manufacturers replaced the ephedra component of the “ECA” stack with bitter orange or citrus aurantium (containing synephrine) instead of the ephedrine.


Bodybuilding supplements are available in different types, are equally necessary to maintain a perfect body shape.
Now comes the question where or what type of Bodybuilding Supplements to buy which can help you stay fit. This is where comes Blackstonelabs with wide range of Bodybuilding Supplements to help you buy quality products. Blackstonelabs brings you wide & extensive range of Exiting Bodybuilding Supplements like fat burners, glutamine, Protein Supplements etc.
Whenever you decide to buy bodybuilding supplements, make sure to stop by at Blackstonelabs @
Source: Wikipedia 

Bodybuilding Tips


Anyone with even an inkling of interest in bodybuilding, weight lifting, or fitness in general is familiar with “the pump.” It’s the feeling everyone who lifts weights strives to achieve, just take a look at Arnold Schwarzenegger’s famous monologue on the pump from the 1977 bodybuilding documentary “Pumping Iron”.
“The greatest feeling you can get in a gym or the most satisfying feeling you can get in a gym is, ‘The Pump.’ Let’s say you’re training biceps. Blood is rushing into your muscles, and that’s what we call the pump.”
-Arnold Schwarzenegger, Pumping Iron

While you may not express the feeling of the pump as colorfully as Arnold did in that clip, it is safe to assume that most feel a comparable level of enthusiasm and satisfaction. Most don’t even know why it is beneficial, but rather seek to only attain the feeling.

Miracles of Science

The pump is known in scientific terms as hyperaemia. It is derived from latin from the prefix “hyper,” which means over, insinuating an excess of something, and also its root word, -aemia, which refers to blood. Combine the 2 and we have a term that literally means “excess of blood.” That full, rich feeling you get from hyperaemia is blood filling up muscle tissue in the body. This is especially important because it also increases the amount of oxygen that can readily be delivered to your muscles, which is how cells produce energy. It also allows for greater and easier delivery of nutrients that your muscles need to grow. Additionally, hyperaemia can aid in the disposal of waste substances in the muscles, such as lactic acid. Lactic acid buildup is why you feel stiff and sore after intense workouts. Ridding your muscles of it will reduce the feelings of soreness, while at the same time reducing recovery time. This means that you will be able to train harder and more frequently.

Sensations aside, pumps are actually an integral part of muscular development, making it so much more than just a feeling, albeit a satisfying one. The pump is actually brought about when blood engorges itself within your muscles. Your skin feels tight, like it is about to burst. You feel full, swollen, and strong. It’s so easy to see why it is so appealing to anyone, men and women alike.

The intensity or absence of your pump can be a key indicator at your current level of muscular development. If you continually experience, rich, full pumps each time you lift, it can be assumed that  you will experience more explosive muscular growth. That being said, if you continue to go hard, but do not ever feel that explosive swelling in your muscles, you may not actually be fulfilling your potential. Increasing your pumps will cause muscles to become stretched beyond their current state. This stretching creates more available room for further growth and development. It will also encourage the creation of more capillaries, which are small endings of veins and arteries which deliver oxygen, fluids, and nutrients to your muscles.

Glycogen: Pump Essential
But how do we actually achieve the pump? The answer, unfortunately, is not a simple one. You see, the pump is not guaranteed to happen just by lifting weights alone, nor is it a random occurrence, either. There are many factors at work which influence the level and intensity of your pump. Diet, for starters, is one of them.

It is widely known that anyone interested in tipping the scales upward must eat loads of lean protein. Protein is what your body uses to build muscle; the source material and how muscle is actually made. Did you know that carbs may actually be just as important as protein? If partitioned correctly, carbs can be stored into your muscles as glycogen.

What is glycogen, though? It is defined as “ a multibranched polysaccharide of glucose that serves as a form of energy storage in animals.” With humans in particular, glycogen is stored primarily in the liver and muscles. As you eat meals rich in carbohydrates, your body’s levels of glucose, or otherwise known as blood sugar, rise dramatically. In response to this, your pancreas will begin to secrete insulin,. Which acts as a vessel to store excess glucose to be broken down for energy at a later time. Primarily, this energy is stored as fat, which is the opposite of what most bodybuilders, athletes, or fitness enthusiasts typically want.

The Building Blocks of Anabolic Growth

As we have discussed in a previous article, insulin’s fat-storing properties can be offset. This is done with the use of partitioning products, such as Blackstone Labs’ own Glycolog. Using Glycolog will trick your body into using insulin to store excess levels of glucose as glycogen, which is what your muscle crave in order to grow anabolically. It is worth noting that insulin is actually the most anabolic hormone your body can produce, and is close to 10 times more anabolic than testosterone. A lot of bodybuilders tried to utilize this during the ‘90s by injecting insulin after high-carb meals. This practice is actually highly, highly dangerous and can lead to the development of type 2 diabetes, among other pancreatic issues. Glycolog, however, is totally natural and will not lead to any adverse side-effects. It is also boasts a strong increase in that feeling of the pump, which is caused by the stores of glycogen and insulin usage. It’s a no-brainer: use Glycolog, eat carbs, replenish glycogen, get nasty pumps and monumental muscle mass.

Additionally, The Blackstone Labs product Formula 19 works hand-in-hand with Glycolog when taken before a workout. So we know how essential carbs to maximizing and sustaining the pump, sure, but we cannot also rule out the importance of essential amino acids are as well. The point of the pump is to create an environment that is capable and encourages anabolic growth. Formula 19 contains the necessary carbs to get that anabolic effect from insulin, but also contains a special blend of amino acids to help your muscle grow and repair themselves, allowing for heightened intensity when training. Taking the two together will allow you to take your growth to the next level. You can think of Formula 19 as all the fuel you will ever need for serious muscle growth and Glycolog as the vehicle that gets you there. Conveniently for you, we can get both of these pump-facilitators in one stack. On our website, go ahead and take a look at The Braun Explosion Stack and see for yourself. Included in The Braun Explosion is our whey isolate blendIsolation, along with Resurgence, our own blend of essential amino acids. Get ready for the nastiest pumps you will ever experience in your life, along with all of the resources you will need for sustain anabolic growth.

Diet: Food for Growth

Alongside of these great supplements, you can, and should, also get the necessary carbs from a healthy diet. We must stress that the carbs needed to replenish glycogen stores within your muscles should come from healthy sources. Yes sugar is considered to be a carbohydrate, for sure, but in the grand scheme of health and wellness, it really should not be a part of your diet at all.

Luckily for you, there are plenty of legitimate sources of carbs that are easy to prepare, and cheap, too. A can of whole grain oats will run you roughly $6 and will last all month.It provides you with the necessary amount of carbs to facilitate the pump. When eaten early, it releases slowly, providing you with sustained energy all through the day. The fiber content helps you to feel full as well, aiding in curbing food cravings for anyone looking to take a leaner cutting cycle. The most important element is that all of these carb sources have a low glycemic index, which means that your blood sugar levels will not drastically spike when ingesting them, causing you to immediately store them as fat, and then experience an energy crash later on. Bodybuilders everywhere are all on the same page when it comes to their breakfast game. Additionally, other sources of whole grain carbs like brown rice, or quinoa are all great ways to get quality carbs.


Carbs can also aid in enriching your pumps in the way that they encourage your muscles to pull water in. This will, among other factors, help to achieve the pump and the feelings of muscle fullness. While carbs do aid in getting water to the muscles, it is imperative that you stay hydrated. We don’t just mean drink a few glasses of water, we mean drink at least a gallon of water every single day. Keep in mind that when monitoring your daily intake of water, this will include water you mix up with your supplements and/or pre-workout.

Your body is a direct reflection of what you put in it. If you want your muscles to look full, voluminous, and thick, you must drink an excess of water. Maintaining high levels of hydration will also increase blood volume, which again, is paramount the achieving and maintaining the pump. Each factor interacts with each other. If you do what you can to replenish glycogen, it becomes a moot point if you do not have the blood volume levels to fill the cells in your muscles. If you take products like nitric oxide, which can increase vasodilation (more on that later), why even bother if the veins are not filled to their greatest capacity?

When put this way, the pump can be seen as something like a house of cards: a gorgeous sight to behold when fully intact, but easily becomes undone when key elements are not given the attention they deserve.


We previously mentioned vasodilation, but did not get into any real detail. Essentially, there are substances that exists that can dilate your veins. Much like how your pupils dilate to allow more light to hit your retinas, vasodilation will force your veins to open up more widely. This aids in the pump in a number of ways. By dilating your veins, you allow for the delivery of carbs, glycogen, water, and any other supplements to flood more readily and easily into your muscle’s cells. It creates a figurative highway of blood flow directly to your muscles. Vasodilators can also assist in vascularity, which is certain a look that a lot of people who appreciate a mean lean aesthetic will appreciate.

A handful of supplements exist that can aid in vasodilation. First and foremost we have nitric oxide, which tends to be the most recognizable of the lot. Almost every supplement company known to man will more than likely have a pump supplement whose main ingredient is nitric oxide. In 1992, it was named “molecule of the year” by the powers that be in recognition of its importance to the human body. Looking further into it led to Nobel Peace Prize winning research in 1998 for its vasodilation abilities to be utilized medically. When it comes to pump formulas, the conversation begins with nitric oxide.

Taurine is another great supplement to take to achieve increased vasodilation. Much like nitric oxide, it too will cause veins to dilate to their fullest capacity. Taurine is actually cheaper than nitric oxide and flavorless. It also performs best when taken alongside of creatine, which can increase cell volume, making the volume of your blood much more denser, leading to more rich fullness in the muscle cells. This is what leads to the feeling of the pump and that alone is motivation enough in itself to do whatever you can to get the most out of your pumps. Again, it is important to stay fully hydrated to get the most out of these substances.

Blackstone Labs’ own pump supplement Hype, is a natural nitric oxide booster and is the ideal blend to facilitate and maintain your pumps all day long.

Low and Slow

So now that we know all about what we can take dietarily to increase the pump, we can get into how we can change the way we work out to maximize its effects. Yes, taking the right supplements, eating the right food, and staying hydrated can intensify the pump, it is really what you do with it physically that matters.

Any good lifting coach will emphasize the importance of technique. While using the correct postures and form is very important, how you perform each rep is equally important. To maximize your pumps, perform each rep very slowly, increasing the amount of time the muscles are under tension. This will increase the pump and achieve that level of muscle stretching that we mentioned earlier. You will also need to shorten rest time between sets to fully capitalize on this concept as well. Ideally, you would want to rest at a minimum of 30 seconds and no longer than a full minute to really keep your pump at kits maximum capacity. The overall point is to ensure that your muscles are kept fully engorged and under intense tension for elongated periods of time. This will create more room for growth.

Dropsets are also great for maximizing your pump. Perform each exercise and lower the weight with each set until failure. This will force blood into your muscles’ cells and keep it there for as long as you can stand it. This goes along with what we covered earlier about the delivery of fluids and nutrients that muscles need to grow.
In the end, the most important factor in making the changes to your body lies upon yourself. We want to make sure that you have all of the resources available to you in order to attain the goals you have set for yourself, but a disciplined training regimen and diet will always trump all other factors. Stay hydrated, get enough rest, eat well and train hard. Blackstone Labs will be with you every step of the way and we hope to see you become the person that you have always wanted to be.

Remember that at the end of the day, your well-being is the most important thing to worry about. Weight loss is often thought of as a journey, one which takes time to accomplish. Pace yourself, but stay consistent and you will be able to fully tap into all of the benefits of thermogenic training. As with any new diet or exercise plan, always consult your primary care physician before starting.

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